21 Lut 2019

Museums in 2017

Ukazała się angielska wersja raportu Statystyka muzeów za 2017 rok.

The Museum Statistics project, initiated in 2013, has been supported by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the very beginning. Since then, it has continually grown to reflect the situation in the museum environment. Social, technological and economic changes are not irrelevant to the functioning of the Polish museum sector. Hence, the scope of data collected, as well as the collection methods used, have aturally evolved and, most importantly of all, the number of museums participating in the project has increased. The fact that we are reaching a steadily growing audience can be considered a success. Nevertheless, according to different estimates, there are more than 1000 museum institutions in Poland. To present them all, in all fields of their activities, we face an immense challenge.

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