Museums Statistics


Museum Statistics is a questionnaire survey conducted by the National Institute for Museums in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage addressed to Polish museums and institutions pursuing museum operations. The data obtained in the survey are subsequently analysed and consequently serve as a basis for development of measures aimed at supporting museums and other institutions pursuing museum operations.

Furthermore, information and scientific publications developed in cooperation with experts and issued periodically by NIM are an additional outcome of the analysis of the collected survey data. The publications are available for download in the electronic version in the Publications tab on the Museum Statistics website.

If you wish to use the data from the Museum Statistics project, please send a request at  statystyka(at)

Historical background and scope of the survey

The Museum Statistics survey is addressed to all museums and institutions pursuing museum operations and it has been implemented annually since 2014. Participation in the survey is voluntary, yet in every edition of the project the response rate has been significant with questionnaires returned by a representative group constituting approximately 25% of all museums and institutions pursuing museum operations and over 50% of museums being cultural institutions.  

The subject matter of the survey conducted as part of the Museum Statistics project covers statutory activities of museums, including but not limited to:

  • exhibitions, publishing, scientific and educational activities;
  • information about collections and records, movement of exhibits, digitisation of collections, preservation, items lost;
  • data on infrastructure and security;
  • information on visitors, employees, financial data, as well as promotional and marketing activities.

The survey is conducted by means of electronic questionnaires.


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